HOW TO: Report Expenses

Reporting your travel-related expenses:

  • Supplier accepts credit cards: Use the AggieExpense system for all travel and entertainment expenses. Typically, payments to a supplier are paid using the Travel card.
  • Supplier does not accept credit cards: Payment request is submitted using a Payment Request (PDF).
  • All forms are available on the Supply Chain Forms page.
Travel Packages / Bundled Reservations
  • Travel packages typically do not provide sufficient receipt detail to satisfy reimbursement requirements.
  • Do not book a package that bundles airfare, hotel, car rental and/or other trip expenses unless you confirm beforehand that an itemized receipt for each type of expense will be provided.
Preparing / Submitting Reports
  • Keep track of your business-related expenses and only claim reimbursement for the actual amount spent.  A Travel Expense and Reimbursement Request shall be used to account for all travel advances and expenses incurred in connection with official university travel.
  • Employees: UC Davis employees can prepare and submit their own AggieExpense reports or they may assign a delegate who can prepare reports on their behalf.
  • Non-employees: AggieExpense reports for non-employees must be prepared and submitted by a delegate and must include a completed Non-Employee Certification form

  • A travel expense report must be processed after EACH trip, even if no reimbursement is due to the traveler (e.g., the only expense was airfare paid with the Preferred Booking Program direct bill option).

  • Report Type: Choose the correct Event/Trip Type as this determines the required fields and business rules. Visit Expense Reports for more information.
Lodging & Meals
  • The traveler must be at least 40 miles from the headquarter location or home, whichever is closer, to be reimbursed for an overnight stay.
    • The receipt must be itemized (room, tax, service, and any other charges listed separately).
    • Daily lodging limits for domestic trips under 30 days is set at a $333 room rate, excluding taxes and fees.
  • When traveling within the continental U.S., the daily limit is $79. This limit is not a per diem. Only actual expenses can be reimbursed.
  • Incidentals include tips for baggage handlers, hotel housekeeping and similar services.
  • M&IE does not include miscellaneous business expenses, such as internet access or copy services, which may be claimed separately.
  • When requesting reimbursement for lodging and meals (M&IE) incurred outside of the continental United States, you may request reimbursement for the actual costs of the lodging or meals, up to the published maximum allowances.
  • Receipts are not required when claiming foreign lodging or foreign meals however you should include a copy of the published maximum allowances, by location, with the report attachments. 

When indicating the Reimbursement Method, consider the following:

  1. Direct Deposit/Paper Check: The employee must have previously entered their Direct Deposit for reimbursements. Otherwise the employee will receive a paper check at their address. Use this option when reconciling Travel card expenses.
  2. Mail to Department: The check will be mailed to the recipient’s home department code. This applies to both employees and non-employees.
  3. Mail to Address in Profile: The AggieExpense profile Expense Information screen must be complete.
  4. Wire Transfer: More information is available here.