Foreign Travel Expense Types

Foreign travel is travel to a destination outside of the United States or its possessions.

Travelers are encouraged to become familiar with the destination country’s entry requirements, travel advisories, and other pertinent information, available on the Bureau of Consular Affairs website. Maximum daily limits for lodging and meals vary by location. The amount of the maximum daily limit is available on the US State Department website

  • If expenses exceed the maximum daily limit for the location, provide an explanation of the special circumstances. Examples of special circumstances that may support reimbursement above the daily limit amount include:
    • The conference rate for lodging is higher than the maximum daily limit
    • Costs in the location were unusually high, perhaps due to a sell-out national sporting event or to an unexpected airport closure
  • If the amount above the maximum daily limit is not justified, you will only be reimbursed up to the maximum daily limit.
  • Travelers should not claim expenses on a flat per-diem rate; actual expenses should be claimed, up to the maximum daily limit for the location. 
  • Receipts for foreign meals and foreign lodging are not required unless actual expenses exceed the maximum daily limit for the location.
    • Note: AggieExpense will prompt for a receipt for foreign meals and foreign lodging. A screenshot of the maximum daily limit for the location should be attached to the report in place of a receipt.

  • Foreign Lodging
  • When using the Foreign Lodging expense type, you should attach an image of the federal maximum allowance rates found here:

    Please note: Foreign Lodging is only for use with Foreign travel of 30 days or more.

  • Foreign Meals
  • When using the Foreign Meals expense type, you should attach an image of the federal maximum allowance rates found here:

    Please note: Foreign Meals is only for use with Foreign travel of 30 days or more.