Thanks for Joining us for Hot Topics!
Thanks for attending the February 11th Hot Topics session! Refer to the links on the right side of the page to learn more about what was discussed at the recent Hot Topics. The next Hot Topics session, date, and time will be announced soon.
Need help?
When completing a Help Request, please provide as much detail as possible, including:
- What you are trying to do.
- Text of any error messages you are receiving.
- Applicable document or order number.
Card Services
- Card Services: cardprogramhelp@ucdavis.edu
- Aggie Enterprise Questions: Help Request Form
Payments questions: aphelp@ucdavis.edu
General Purchasing questions: procure-help@ucdavis.edu
Forms • Training & Instruction Procurement and Contracting
- Aggie Enterprise Questions: Help Request Form
General Purchasing questions: procure-help@ucdavis.edu
Forms • Training & Instruction Purchasing and AP Shared Services
- Customer Service: paapss@ucdavis.edu
Repro Graphics
- Repro Graphics Customer Service: reprographics@ucdavis.edu
Shipping and Receiving
- Shipping and Receiving questions: aggieship@ucdavis.edu
Forms • Training & Instruction Supplier Services
- Aggie Enterprise Questions: Help Request Form
Supplier Services: vendordesk@ucdavis.edu Travel and Entertainment
Travel and Entertainment questions
UC Davis: expensehelp@ucdavis.edu
UC Davis Health: hs-aggietravel@ou.ad3.ucdavis.edu
Include as much information as possible and be specific. Please include the traveler’s first and last name and the travel report key. Use the subject line to identify the type of question you are asking. Examples include, “Policy question about State funds” or “Change department approver.”University Preferred Partnership Program (UP3)
- Customer Service: up3@ucdavis.edu