Charter Bus Information

There are significant insurance concerns with chartering a bus.  In order to ensure that your chartered bus meets all necessary minimum required insurance amounts, please carefully review and follow the instructions outlined on this page.

What is a Charter Bus?

A charter bus:

  • is usually a large coach-style bus that holds 50 or more people
  • generally includes a driver as part of the agreement
  • transports a group of people, often university employees or students (or both), to a pre-defined location as part of a larger activity, such as an athletic game or academic event

Authorized Charter Bus Companies/Agreements

Because of the number of people being transported, as well as the long distances often traveled by chartered buses, there are multiple insurance concerns.  Our UC Davis Strategic Sourcing unit has worked with the following companies to create university agreements that meet the minimum required insurance amounts. We strongly recommend using one of these companies to meet your charter bus needs and ensure your bus travel is properly insured.

Bus CompanyAgreement NumberContact
  • Arjuna Transportation, LLC (True Elegance)
  • A65727
  • Charter Up
  • A65045
  • Lux Bus America Co
  • A60453

Reserving and Paying for Authorized Charter Buses

A university Travel Card is the appropriate way to pay for a charter bus for which there is already an established university agreement, as for those listed above.

Refer to the website for making the reservation.

When using the Travel Card to make the reservation, be sure you advise the bus company that you are a UC Davis employee and cite the applicable agreement number above.

Using Another Charter Bus Company

If you are unable to use one of the existing charter bus agreements listed above, you will need to do the following:

1. Complete a No Cost agreement of Other document in Aggie Enterprise. Before submitting the document, complete steps 2 and 3 below.

2.  In the Notes and Attachments section of your document, attach the supplier agreement, including any terms and conditions documents, for the bus company that are to be reviewed and signed by a buyer on the Procurement & Contracting Services team.

3. Contact UC Davis Risk Management Services to inquire about the necessary insurance required for your charter bus transportation.  Work with the supplier to secure the necessary insurance certificates and attach them to the Notes and Attachments section.

4.  The document will route to Procurement & Contracting Services for review and approval. 

5.  Once the document is approved, the document initiator will be notified.

6.  A Travel Card can then be used to pay for the charter bus service.  Make sure you advise the company of the relevant Purchase Order number.

Reconciling Expense in AggieExpense

When reconciling a charter bus expense in AggieExpense, be sure to enter the university agreement number of the charter bus company in the Comment field of your travel report.