The UC Davis Supplier Services team oversees the process of new suppliers being added to Aggie Enterprise (onboarding) as well as updates being made to existing supplier records.
Upcoming Deadlines as we transition to new supplier onboarding system PaymentWorks:
--Friday March 7: Last day for an Aggie Enterprise vendor registration to be completed
--Monday, March 10: PaymentWorks opens for campus
--Friday, March 21: Last day for supplier services team to complete registrations previously requested in Aggie Enterprise
In Aggie Enterprise, a "vendor" or "supplier" is anyone who receives a payment that is not an employee or a student. It may be a supplier (of goods or services) or an individual receiving payment for some other reason.
Refer to the menu options on the right to learn how to search for existing suppliers in Aggie Enterprise, as well as how to create a new supplier record, and edit an existing supplier record.
If you have questions about the supplier onboarding process, please contact Supplier Services.