UC Davis Payment Methods Enrollment Information and Form

UC Davis has established a set of preferred payment methods and terms for suppliers.  Review the information and complete the form at the bottom of this page.

Preferred Payment Methods

Our goal is to maximize the convenience and efficiency of supplier payments, while reducing the risk of fraud and lost payments. Through our strategic partnerships with US Bank and Bottomline Technologies, we are happy to provide options for suppliers to enroll in either credit card or ACH payment methods. While we still provide the option for paper checks, it is discouraged.

Please select one of the following payment methods and terms and provide your contact information at the bottom of this page. Upon submission, you will receive an automated email to track enrollment. In most cases, our partners at US Bank or Bottomline Technologies will then reach out on our behalf to process your enrollment. By default, any supplier who has not opted into one of these terms will be set up with paper check with NET 60 terms.

  1. Credit Card payment through US Bank’s Payment Plus program (Preferred)
    • NET terms – UC Davis will disburse payment immediately after invoice approval
      (UC Davis will not pay additional processing fees on credit card payments)
  2. ACH - enrollment through PaymentWorks 
    • NET 30 – UC Davis will disburse payment within 30 days of the invoice receipt, after invoice approval
  3. Paper check
    • NET 60 – UC Davis will disburse payment within 60 days of the invoice receipt, after invoice approval

Certified Small Business Payment Term Options

We are proud to offer faster payment terms for certified small businesses. To take advantage of these options, you'll need to enter your State of California Certification ID when selecting your preferred payment method. To learn more about the State of California Small Business Certification program, visit their webpage.

1. Credit Card payment through US Bank’s Payment Plus program (Preferred)

  • NET terms – UC Davis will disburse payment immediately after invoice approval

2. ACH - enrollment through PaymentWorks

  • NET 15  – UC Davis will disburse payment within 15 days of the invoice receipt, after invoice approval

3. Paper check

  • NET 15 – UC Davis will disburse payment within 15 days of the invoice receipt, after invoice approval

What is Payment Plus?

Payment Plus is a virtual credit card program. The supplier receives emailed remittance information upon approval of their invoice, which includes instructions to retrieve a one-time Visa credit card number. The card can then be used by the supplier to receive immediate funds to clear the amount due.

Learn More!  Information on the administration of the virtual credit card program, using the Access Online tools managed by US Bank, is available in the US Bank Access Online Program Administrator videos.  Please note that Access Online and the referenced videos are managed and maintained by US Bank and not UC Davis.

What is Paymode-X?

Paymode-X is an ACH, automated clearing house, which conducts an electronic funds bank transfer to the supplier’s account. Remittance information is emailed to the supplier when payment is made, including the invoice # and check-stub notes. Funds are typically available within 24-48 hours after the transfer is complete.

Effective 3/10/25: New suppliers will no longer be enrolled for ACH through Paymode-X. If ACH is the requested, the supplier will need to register with PaymentWorks. 

For questions for existing customers, contact Paymode-X by calling 866-252-7366.

Payment Method Options

Payment Method Options
PaymentPlus credit card with NET Due terms -- CREDIT CARD payment via US Bank's Payment Plus virtual credit card program. Choose this option only if your organization accepts credit card payments with no additional fees. (Fastest and preferred payment method.)
ACH with NET 30 terms
Paper check with NET 60 terms
Certified Small Business: ACH with NET 15 terms
Certified Small Businesses: Paper check with NET 15 terms
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