Purchasing methods vary, based on the types of goods or services you are purchasing, as well as the costs of the requested goods or services. The information below can help you get started.
NOTE: Hospital account purchases are processed through the UCDMC Purchasing Department and not through the methods described on this page.
Using The Purchasing Guide
1. Review the list below to see what the preferred purchasing method is for the indicated product or service.
2. If you have general questions on how to make a purchase, contact procure-help@ucdavis.edu for assistance.
For additional items that may not require a purchase order to be issued, visit the How Do I Pay for Different Commodities? page.
Purchase | Process |
Most Goods | The e-procurement catalogs in Aggie Enterprise should be your first stop for purchasing most goods: If the item is not available in one of the catalogs, a Procurement Card may be appropriate in some cases. |
Accessibility Tools | Complete a non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise:
Adobe Creative Cloud Enterprise (CCE) | Create a non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise and cite Dell agreement A71726. |
Alcohol (Ethanol), Tax-Free (Research and Non-Consumption Purposes) | These purchases are to be made from the Central Storehouse (SCM Store) catalog in Aggie Enterprise. |
Alcoholic Beverages (Consumption Purposes) | Alcoholic beverages may be purchased for entertainment events, following the appropriate entertainment payment processes. --For on-campus events, make sure that the necessary permit has been completed, and the appropriate funding source is being used. --No alcoholic beverages may be charged to state or federal funds, per University of California Business & Finance Bulletin BUS-79. |
Animal Feed and Bedding | Create a non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise citing Agreement A41677 (Newco) or UCDPA00000058 (Envigo). |
Animals | Access is required to be set up by the Animal Care Business Unit before animal purchases can be made in Aggie Enterprise. |
Autoclave and Cage Wash Maintenance | Create a non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise citing Agreement UCDPA00000016 (Getinge). |
Biorepository Services | Contact strategicsourcing@ucdavis.edu to discuss possible options. |
Bottled Water (Individual bottles for events) | The university agreement with PepsiCo provides aluminum bottles as a more sustainable option than plastic ones. The following options are available in the AggieSupply ("SCM Stores") catalog in Aggie Enterprise. Enter the desired catalog number below in the search field at the top of the Requisitions screen after clicking the SCM Stores tile:
Learn more about catalog shopping. |
Bottled Water Service | Bottled Water Services agreements are available with BlueTriton (ReadyRefresh), agreement #UCDPA00000117, and DS Services, agreement #UCDPA00000196. A non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise should be processed against the desired agreement. NOTE: If you choose DS Services for your water needs, you can purchase cups in the Aggie Enterprise ODP Business Solutions catalog. |
Calibration and Certifications | See Services below. See the Rainin page for instructions on requesting centrifuge calibration. |
Capital Assets | Capital Asset purchases require additional documentation and attachments and approval from the Equipment Management team. Please note that many capital assets can be purchased from the e-procurement catalogs in Aggie Enterprise. |
Charter Bus Service | Use one of the existing agreements whenever possible. |
Cloud Computing (Microsoft Azure) | Contact iet-cloud-services@ucdavis.edu for assistance. |
Consultant Agreements | These types of agreements require additional documentation and approvals. |
Controlled Substances | These purchases are restricted and strictly monitored and must be made on a non-catalog Requisition document in Aggie Enterprise. |
DNA Sequencing and Oligo Synthesis | Multiple suppliers have oligos and primer synthesis options available. Check the e-procurement catalogs in Aggie Enterprise for the desired items first. If the catalogs don't have the needed items, create a non-catalog Requisition, citing one of the following agreements:
DNA equipment purchases require VRA review. If Risk Assessment is level P3 or P4, forward assessment to strategicsourcing@ucdavis.edu. |
Dry Ice | The AggieSupply Scientific Store catalog in Aggie Enterprise should be used. |
Duo Tokens | Refer to the Information Technology website for purchasing instructions. |
Electrical Items | Make sure products are UL certified. Consult the Safety Services website for more information on electrical safety. |
Email Marketing | A non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise citing Agreement A26856 (Constant Contact) should be completed. |
Fiber Optics/Imaging/Light Sources | A non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise citing Agreement A42108 (Thorlabs) should be completed. |
Flooring | A non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise to one of the following suppliers should be completed, citing the applicable UCOP number in the Attachments section, for review and approval by Procurement & Contracting Services:
Food | The business reason for the food drives the way it can be purchased. |
Furniture | Review the informational page for available options. |
Gas Cylinder Rentals and Servicing, including Liquid Nitrogen and Medical Oxygen | Review the informational page for available options:
Gift Cards | Review the informational page for available options. |
Home Supplies (Working from Home) | Refer to the information page on expenses that are and are not reimbursable while working from home, or other remote locations. |
Incubators/Refrigerators/Freezers | A non-catalog Requisition, to one of the following suppliers should be completed in Aggie Enterprise if the desired item(s) are not available in one of the e-procurement catalogs:
Independent Contractors | An Independent Contractor transaction is one in which the university is contracting with an individual, or a company owned and operated by an individual. Additional documentation is required for these types of suppliers. |
Infrastructure | If using National Science Foundation (NSF) funds, be advised of the Build America, Buy America initiative for infrastructure purchases. |
Laboratory Analysis (Off-Site) | A non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise can be created for off-site laboratory services, using an unrestricted Category Name, as long as: --the costs for the lab services are less than $5,000, and --there are no required terms and conditions to sign. All other laboratory services require the use of a restricted Category Name requiring the review and approval of Procurement & Contracting Services. |
Linen Services | A non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise should be completed, citing the Aramark agreement (A28548). |
Loans from Outside Agencies | A loan from an outside supplier is one where an item is being given to the university for a set period of time, where there is no money being exchanged in the transaction. |
Medical and Life Science Equipment and Supplies | If the desired item cannot be located in one of the existing Aggie Enterprise catalogs, a non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise can be created citing agreement UCDPA00000047 (Panasonic Healthcare-PHC Corporation). |
Microscopes |
Microsoft Products | A non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise is to be completed, citing Dell agreement A71726. |
Molecular and Cell Biology | The Qiagen catalog includes Molecular and Cell Biology items and is available in Aggie Enterprise. If the desired item cannot be located, cite Qiagen agreement UCDPA00000013 on a non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise. |
National Science Foundation (NSF) Award/Funds | If using National Science Foundation (NSF) funds, be advised of the Build America, Buy America initiative for infrastructure purchases. |
Networking Equipment | Check the Aggie Enterprise catalogs first. If the desired item cannot be located there, a non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise is to be completed, citing agreement A39146 for Dasher Technologies, Inc. |
N95 Respirator Coverings and PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) | N95 respirator coverings are available in the e-procurement catalogs in Aggie Enterprise. The respirators can be located by entering N95 in the Product Search field. An appropriate fitting document and training are required. |
Paper for Reprographics Leased Printers | Refer to the instructions for the correct account to enter on a non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise |
Performance Agreements | Departments can procure the services of performers by following the steps outlined in the referenced guide. |
Phone and Video Conferencing | The Zoom campus-wide agreement should be used. Most UC Davis Zoom accounts for campus use are available at ucdavis.zoom.us. If you only need an individual account, please see How to install the Zoom app. If you need more than an individual account, please contact software@ucdavis.edu for assistance. Some units at UC Davis have their own Zoom instance:
Pipette and Liquid Handling Services | Cite one of the following agreements on a non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise:
Pipette Calibration and Maintenance Services | The Rainin e-procurement catalog in Aggie Enterprise can be used to schedule pipette calibration and maintenance services. |
Precursor Chemicals | While not DEA controlled substances themselves, precursors are chemicals that can be used to manufacture a controlled substance. There are specific procedures to be followed for these items. |
Prescription Safety Glasses | Review the instruction page for ordering prescription safety glasses. |
Printers/Copiers/Printer and Copier Servicing | If purchasing a departmental printer/copier, one of the following agreements should be cited on a non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise:
Printing and Copier Services | Repro Graphics provides campus printing and copier services, including printer/copier rentals and maintenance. |
Promotional Items (UC-Branding) | First, review the UC Davis Branding Guide, to ensure policy compliance. The UC Davis Procurement Card can be used with one of the suppliers below that have a UC agreement for UC-branded items. Be sure to cite the UC agreement number when using that supplier, to ensure UC-pricing.
Radioactive Items | A non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise should be used to procure radioactive items. |
Rentals/Leases | A lease or rental occurs when a vendor provides a good or service to the university for a specific period of time (start and end date) for a specific dollar amount. |
Repairs | NOTE: No repair is to take place until the Aggie Enterprise Requisition document has been fully approved, and the Purchase Order has been issued to the supplier. Repairs require the creation of a non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise, along with the necessary supporting documentation indicating the type of repair being requested. Ensure that your repair request does not conflict with the Covered Services policy. Other possibilities include the creation of a non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise citing one of the following agreements:
For ongoing repair or maintenance needs not on an existing UC contract, we recommend creating a Blanket Order request via the non-catalog Requisition document. Procurement Card: Can be used to pay for repairs only if against an existing university agreement. Include all applicable required documentation and forms, including the Independent Contractor Information Form, if applicable, and insurance information, if the proposed repair is to occur on campus property. |
Services | NOTE: No service is to take place until the Aggie Enterprise Requisition document has been fully approved, and the Purchase Order has been issued to the supplier. Services require the creation of a non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise, along with the necessary supporting documentation indicating the type and length of service being requested. Procurement & Contracting Services buyer review and approval is required. UC Davis is committed to bringing in-house all covered services. As such, contracts that include covered services will only be allowed sparingly. For ongoing repair or maintenance needs, we recommend creating a Blanket Order request via the Aggie Enterprise Requisition document. |
Service Awards | The Central Storehouse e-procurement catalog in Aggie Enterprise should be used to purchase UC Davis service awards. |
Shipping | AggieShip is the preferred method for outbound shipments from UC Davis. NOTE: The Payment Request document is not to be used for third party shipping payments for DHL, FedEx, or UPS. |
Software and Cloud-Based Services | Software purchases require a university agreement to be in place before procurement can take place, with the specific agreement cited on a non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise. |
Sole Source Requests | A sole source justification is appropriate if only one supplier can provide a needed product or service. This should be a rare occurrence. |
Sponsorship Agreement | These are to be processed as a non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise with an attached Sponsorship Agreement Form. |
Temporary Labor (Non-IT) | Before contracting for temporary labor services, in-house labor services should be explored first, to ensure that the need cannot be met with in-house services. Outside services are allowed only if in-house services are not available. A non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise should be created to one of the following suppliers, citing the agreement # if listed.
Uniform Rentals/Services and Purchases |
Used Equipment and Supplies | AggieSurplus is your campus resource for purchasing used items. |
Veterinary Drugs | Ordering prescription drugs requires a department account with the supplier before a non-catalog Requisition in Aggie Enterprise can be created. A department account is not allowed for ordering Controlled Substances. Drugs used on live animals must be pharmaceutical grade. |
NOTE: Payment for e-procurement catalog orders in Aggie Enterprise occurs automatically after the order has been shipped/invoiced by the supplier; no action is needed by the department. Payment for Procurement Card purchases happens automatically, but reconciliation is required in AggieExpense. Payment for purchases made on Aggie Enterprise Purchase Orders is processed centrally by the Accounts Payable team.