stack of steelcase furniture boxes

Procurement & Contracting Services

Procurement & Contracting Services value includes cost savings/reduction, cost avoidance, revenue generation, and internal cost reduction.

What does Procurement & Contracting Services Do?

We expand opportunities for teaching, research and public service by delivering savings and efficient procurement services across the University of California. 

Our team is made up of

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Business & Revenue Contracts

This team reviews, negotiates, and establishes legal, binding agreements and contracts for the provision of services and service-related transactions. Business Contracts agreements require signatures on behalf of both the university and the contractor. Signature authority has been delegated from the Chancellor to the Chief Procurement Officer and the Business & Revenue Contracts Lead. Unless granted a delegation by Business & Revenue Contracts, campus departments may not sign agreements on behalf of the university.

Please note there are other contracting offices for campus, each charged with overseeing and producing certain types of agreements. Aside from Business Contracts, the other contract offices are: 

Commodities and Services Procurement

Buyers specialize in different commodities and services and acquire goods and services for the UC Davis community at the best price and quality available. Through the management of supplier relations, contracts, agreements, and competitive bid solicitations this team fosters partnerships that leverage the purchasing power of UC Davis.  Some of the actions taken by the various buyer teams include risk assessment, fiscal, legal, and personnel considerations, while addressing policy, processes, and regulatory obligations to comply with university requirements.

Strategic Sourcing

The Strategic Sourcing team is responsible for leading university-wide strategic sourcing initiatives that include implementing best-in-class strategic supplier relationships, agreements to leverage annual purchase volume and rationalize the approved supplier base to an optimum level. We ensure that Strategically Sourced Contracts provide tangible benefits and value to the university community. In addition, the Strategic Sourcing Team manages the Aggie Enterprise catalogs and represents UC Davis on all system-wide sourcing initiatives incorporating local requirements.

Communications, Training, and Outreach

The Communications, Training, and Outreach team develops training, email newsletters, and websites to address effective system use, best practices, and ways to ensure that departments are acquiring goods and services at the lowest overall cost. We also regularly review the data from our Help Desk metrics and customer surveys to address additional training and communication opportunities for our customers.

Purchasing 101 online training is available in the UC Learning Center;  policy and procedure, pre-purchasing considerations, and purchasing options are addressed in this 45-minute training.