Procurement Card Fraud

How To Address Fraudulent Charges on the Procurement Card

  1. If you find fraudulent charges on your statement, you must report them immediately to the U.S. Bank Customer Service Office at 800-344-5696 and contact the Card Program Help Desk.
  2. Request a replacement card and inform your fiscal officer.
  3. U.S. Bank will send you a Statement of Fraud and a Transaction Report to review, complete and sign. It is important that these forms are returned promptly by fax. If they are not received by U.S. Bank, the credit for your disputed charge will be withheld or canceled.
  4. Retain your copies of the forms, along with the fax receipt/report showing confirmation that it was sent, as you would any source documentation for a transaction. If you do not receive the forms within two weeks of your initial call to U.S. Bank, make a follow-up call to them. Keep records of all calls related to your dispute.

If unethical university behavior or internal fraud is suspected, contact your supervisor or other appropriate administrator, or report it to the UC Davis Locally Designated Official (LDO), or the UC Whistleblower Hotline.

How to Reconcile Fraudulent Charges in AggieExpense

Once the credit has been issued by the supplier, both the fraudulent charge and subsequent credit can be processed on the AggieExpense reconciliation report. A note should be entered on the report indicating the initial charge was fraudulent.  Attach the copy of the US Bank form. 

What to Do If Sensitive Information Has Been Breached

U.S. Bank will never ask for your user ID, password or other sensitive information in an email. If you have disseminated personal information to an unauthorized source, call the U.S. Bank Fraud Liaison Center at (877) 595-6256 to discuss it immediately.

Additional Fraud Resources