Employee reimbursements are processed as Professional Expense reimbursements in AggieExpense. View the instructions.
Also, refer to the Professional Expense Reimbursements FAQ.
Expense Types
The professional expense reimbursement types are listed below. For each of these types, AggieExpense report type 9 is used. Click on the desired expense type below to learn what is required when submitting a report with that expense reimbursement type in AggieExpense (including the Unauthorized Purchase Statement form) and the appropriate way to pay for that expense in the future, in lieu of a reimbursement request, if applicable.
If citing/using Hospital chart accounts, contact hs-aggieexpense@ucdavis.edu for guidance before creating a reimbursement report for one of these expense types in AggieExpense.
- Professional Membership
- Use the Professional Membership expense type to reconcile professional memberships paid for with the Travel Card or personal funds. Dean, Chair or Department Head approval is required. The name of the approver is required in the expense form and proof of approval (either signature or electronic signature by way of ad-hoc routing) is required. Receipts are always required. Unauthorized Purchase Statement form is not required.
- Advertising, Recruitment, Promotional Services
- The Procurement Card or an Aggie Enterprise non-catalog Requisition should be the first choice for all purchases of advertising, recruitment, or promotional services.
For reimbursement of advertising, recruitment, or promotional services purchased with personal funds, use AggieExpense report type 9. Professional Expenses. Receipts are always required. Unauthorized Purchase Statement form is required.
NOTE: Does not apply to UC Davis Health - Books, Publications, or Subscriptions
- The Procurement Card or an Aggie Enterprise catalog Requisition should be used for purchases of books, publications or subscriptions.
For reimbursement of books, publications or subscriptions purchased with personal funds, use AggieExpense report type 9. Professional Expenses. Receipts are always required. Unauthorized Purchase Statement form is required.
NOTE: Does not apply to UC Davis Health - Classroom Supplies
- The Procurement Card, or an Aggie Enterprise catalog Requisition should be used for purchases of classroom supplies.
For reimbursement of classroom supplies purchased with personal funds, use AggieExpense report type 9. Professional Expenses. Receipts are always required. Unauthorized Purchase Statement form is required. - Computer Software
- Purchases of software must follow the appropriate procedure.
For reimbursement of an unauthorized software purchase with personal funds, use AggieExpense report type 9. Professional Expenses. Receipts are always required. Unauthorized Purchase Statement form is required.
NOTE: Does not apply to UC Davis Health - Computer Supplies
- The Procurement card, or an Aggie Enterprise catalog Requisition should be used for purchases of computer supplies. For reimbursement of computer supplies purchased with personal funds, use AggieExpense report type 9. Professional Expenses. Receipts are always required. Unauthorized Purchase Statement form is required.
NOTE: Does not apply to UC Davis Health - Fuel or Gasoline
- A UC Davis Travel Card should be used for fuel transactions.
For reimbursement requests, receipts are always required. Unauthorized Purchase Statement form is required.
NOTE: Does not apply to UC Davis Health - Immigration Visa Fees
The Immigration Visa Fee (IMM) type is used to make payments for visa fees. Please see the Services for International Students and Scholars website for additional information. The recommended procedure is to pay the vendor directly.
If an employee has legal fees related to approved immigration or citizenship status, this expense type should be used for the reimbursement. Proof of payment, complete business explanation, and approval from the department head or dean is required for a reimbursement. Additionally, there are potential income tax implications based on the nature of the reimbursement. Required Documentation: Vendor invoice and receipt showing proof of payment. Unauthorized Purchase Statement form is not required.
NOTE: Does not apply to UC Davis Health- Lab Supplies
- Lab supplies are available on campus at the AggieSupply Scientific Store (and can be purchased from more than 15 other catalog suppliers on an Aggie Enterprise catalog Requisition). The Procurement Card can also be used for purchases of lab supplies.
For reimbursement of lab supplies purchased with personal funds, use AggieExpense report type 9. Professional Expenses. Receipts are always required. Unauthorized Purchase Statement form is required.
NOTE: Does not apply to UC Davis Health - Licenses or Taxes
- The Procurement Card or the Payment Request form should be used for license or tax payments. For reimbursement of payments of licenses or taxes with personal funds, use AggieExpense report type 9. Professional Expenses. Receipts are always required. Unauthorized Purchase Statement form is not required.
NOTE: Does not apply to UC Davis Health - Non-employee Gifts or Awards
- The Aggie Enterprise catalog Requisition should be the first choice for purchases of non-employee gifts or awards.
For reimbursement of non-employee gifts or awards purchased with personal funds, use AggieExpense report type 9. Professional Expenses. Receipts are always required. Unauthorized Purchase Statement form is required.
NOTE: Does not apply to UC Davis Health - Office Supplies
- The Aggie Enterprise catalog Requisition should be the first choice for purchases of office supplies.
For reimbursement of office supplies purchased with personal funds, use AggieExpense report type 9. Professional Expenses. Receipts are always required. Unauthorized Purchase Statement form is required.
NOTE: Does not apply to UC Davis Health - Other Services
- An Aggie Enterprise non-catalog Requisition is to be used for the purchase of services requiring a contract.
For reimbursement of services purchased with personal funds, use AggieExpense report type 9. Professional Expenses. Receipts are always required. Unauthorized Purchase Statement form is required.
NOTE: Does not apply to UC Davis Health - Other Supplies
- An Aggie Enterprise catalog Requisition should be used for purchases of other supplies.
For reimbursement of other supplies purchased with personal funds, use AggieExpense report type 9. Professional Expenses. Receipts are always required. Unauthorized Purchase Statement form is required. The exception is for required safety shoes and/or other protective apparel that employees purchase as a required part of their job; the form is not required for those types of purchases.
NOTE: Does not apply to UC Davis Health - Postage or Freight
- Mail Services processes all UC Davis and UC Davis Health mail received from the US Postal Service as well as all pieces routed through Campus Mail. Purchasing postage stamps through Mail Services is done via the Aggie Enterprise catalog Requisition, using the AggieSupply Stores catalog.
For postage purchased with personal funds, use expense type Postage or Freight (3000). Receipts are always required. Unauthorized Purchase Statement form is required.
NOTE: Does not apply to UC Davis Health - Printing, Reproduction, or Copies
- Repro Graphics is the one-stop-shop for all print, copy, design, and promotional needs at UC Davis.
For reimbursement requests, receipts are always required. Unauthorized Purchase Statement form is required.
NOTE: Does not apply to UC Davis Health - Regulatory and Permit Fees
- The Regulatory and Permit Fees expense type is used when requesting reimbursement for a payment made for an appropriate fee or license expense. These expenses are not to be confused with Memberships or Professional Licenses. Appropriate backup documentation is required. Unauthorized Purchase Statement form is not required.
Examples include:
Copyright fees, including Use and Scan fees for art/photos
Building or use permit fees
Disposal fees
One-time licensing fees paid to regulatory agencies
Regulatory fees to foreign countries to allow researchers
Pseudo-government accreditation fees, on behalf of departments or programs (individuals should be PCL)
Royalty payments, if not covered by a PO
Miscellaneous tax agency payments, such as property tax
NOTE: Does not apply to UC Davis Health - Repair Services
- Repair services are to be processed on an Aggie Enterprise non-catalog Requisition document or on a UC Davis Procurement Card citing an established purchasing agreement.
For reimbursement of repair services with personal funds, use AggieExpense report type 9. Professional Expenses. Receipts are always required. Unauthorized Purchase Statement form is required.
NOTE: Does not apply to UC Davis Health - Telephone or Cell Phone
- Communications Resources is the preferred source for cell phone purchases and service. A Procurement Card can be used to pay for cell phone service.
The Telephone or Cell Phone expense type is used for reimbursement of personal funds paid to vendors for invoices related to land-line telephone, cellular, internet, or cable television services, when the bill is in the name of the University or a department. It may not be used for the purchase of equipment. Vendor Invoice and paid receipt are required for reimbursement. Unauthorized Purchase Statement form is not required.
NOTE: Does not apply to UC Davis Health - Training Registration
- A UC Davis Travel Card should be used for training registration, whether travel is required or not.
Use Training Registration for reimbursement of the cost of course or registration fees paid for classes and training when travel is not necessary. Unauthorized Purchase Statement form is not required.
NOTE: Does not apply to UC Davis Health