AggieExpense: Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some of the Frequently Asked Questions for AggieExpense.

  • Can I use AggieExpense to book a personal trip?
  • Yes, AggieExpense can also be used for personal travel. UC Davis employees have the option to book personal trips with those negotiated rates. Employees can capitalize on those discounts through AggieExpense, just as they would for a work trip.  Add your personal credit card and use that to book.  The University Travel Card and Procurement Card are not to be used for any personal travel expenses. You can also visit ConnexUC for other personal travel booking options. 
  • Why won't the red flags go away after I correct an error?
  • The red flags will go away after an error has been fixed, AND you take the same action that made the flags initially appear.
  • Can I use the AggieExpense (Concur) app on my mobile phone or tablet?
  • Yes! One of the many benefits of AggieExpense is the accessibility and convenience of creating, updating, submitting, and approving reports, all from your mobile device.
  • Why is the attachment downloading, instead of opening?
  • This is caused by a browser setting. Please make the necessary updates
  • Where is my account number?
  • Please visit the AggieExpense Allocations instructions for information on how to locate and use accounts.
  • Where can I find the Parking/Tolls option?
  • The Parking/Tolls option is available as one of the Ground Transportation expense types. For more information visit the Expense Types page.
  • How do I fix the "We're Sorry..." error message when booking a flight? 
  • Open your AggieExpense profile, and add at least 1 phone #, then save the profile. This will allow you to book.