AggieExpense Icons

AggieExpense Icons



vector image of a pie chart

The pie chart indicates the expense has an account allocation tied to it. Mouse over the icon to see the allocation(s).

vector icon of a pie chart The incomplete pie chart indicates the expense is only partially allocated. The user will need to fully allocate the expense before submitting the report.

vector icon of a speech bubble

The blue conversation bubble indicates there is a comment. Mouse over the icon to see the comment.

vector icon of a credit card with a plus sign

The credit card icon with a plus sign indicates a full electronic itemization is available by mousing over the icon.

vector icon of a credit card

The credit card icon indicates the expense was imported from the travel card. Mouse over the icon to see the transaction details.

vector icon of a black exclamation point on yellow triangle

The yellow exclamation point indicates there is an item in the report requiring your attention. This note will stay on the report through the approval routing.
vector icon of white exclamation point on red circle The red exclamation point will prevent the report from being submitted until the error is corrected.

vectr icon of cell phone

The mobile phone icon indicates the expense is either a Preferred Booking Program direct billing Imported Expense or an expense created using the mobile application.

vector icon of name badge

The single person icon indicates the expense is Personal or Non-Reimbursable.

vector icon of two people

The multiple person icon indicates the expense has an attendance list attached to it.

vector icon of white checkmark on green circle

The green checkmark indicates the report is ready for review.

vector icon of blue checkmark on white document

The blue paper symbol indicates receipts are attached. Mouse over the icon to see the attached document(s).

vector icon of yellow exclamation point on white document

The yellow paper symbol indicates a receipt is required.

vector icon of rewind arrow

Indicates the report has been recalled by the user or returned to the user by an approver.

vector icon of grey asterisk on white document

Indicates the report contains a missing receipt affidavit.

vector icon of two arrows going around a circle

Indicates the mileage claim is round trip.