New Report Type in AggieTravel

chalkboard news

New Report Type in AggieTravel

You Spoke and We Listened…

When making a purchase on behalf of UC Davis, it is expected that employees use approved purchasing methods (see our “How do I Buy” chart). Though it shouldn’t happen often, sometimes we need to make a quick, low dollar value, out-of-pocket purchase. So making the process of reimbursement a bit easier seems like the logical next step. Effective September 1, 2018, the AggieTravel expense reporting system will accommodate reimbursements for some expenses that are not related to travel or entertainment. This new process will make the reimbursement procedure a quick and easy mobile alternative to the current practice.

WHY: Supply Chain Management received a lot of feedback expressing a need for departments to be able to reimburse staff for low-value purchases in a quick and efficient manner. Since AggieTravel is so easily accessible and easy to use, the solution was clear! AggieTravel allows delegates to prepare reports, allows seamless attachment of receipts and other supporting documentation, and AggieTravel already routes for appropriate approvals.

HOW: Use AggieTravel expense report type 9, Professional Expenses. Complete the report header and add the expense types within the professional expenses category. Paid receipts are required for all professional expenses regardless of dollar amount.

WHO: Only UC Davis campus employees can utilize the new process. This new process does NOT apply to UC Davis Health at this time. Guests will continue to be reimbursed for only travel and entertainment expenses through AggieTravel. Any guests being reimbursed for non-travel or entertainment expenses are considered vendors and must be paid with a PO/PREQ.

WHAT: Non-travel/entertainment items that can be reimbursed using the AggieTravel expense reporting system include:

  • Postage or freight
  • Telephones or cell phones
  • Printing, reproduction or copies
  • Classroom supplies
  • Books, publications or subscriptions
  • Repair services
  • Other services
  • Immigration visa fees
  • Licenses or taxes
  • Professional memberships
  • Certification and licenses
  • Non-employee gifts or awards
  • Advertising, recruitment or promotional services
  • Regulatory and permit fees
  • Computer supplies
  • Lab supplies
  • Office supplies
  • Other supplies
  • Fuel or gasoline (without travel)

WHEN: Beginning September 1, 2018

Please direct all questions about this new process to You can also visit a list of frequently asked questions here.

Primary Category
