1/19/24: AggieExpense Open for Reconciliation!

1/19/24: AggieExpense Open for Reconciliation!

We are happy to announce AggieExpense, which has been unavailable for the past month to implement the new Chart of Accounts, is once again open for report creation and expense reconciliation as of Friday January 19th, 2024!

Please review the following:

  • Pending (unsubmitted or returned) Expense Reports and Requests, created before January 18, 2024, cannot be submitted, and should be deleted.
    • If you have pending expense reports, delete the reports from your profile.
    • Imported expenses will return to the Available Expenses, where they can be added to a new expense report.
    • If a report containing out of pocket expenses is deleted, the out of pocket expenses are deleted and will need to be recreated on the new report.

Direct Deposit for Reimbursements  

New feature available in AggieExpense: Bank Information for direct depositLearn more about how this new functionality works in AggieExpense and how to ensure your information is set up correctly.

  • Employees maintain their own direct deposit bank information.
  • Employees may use different bank accounts for reimbursements and payroll. 
  • AggieExpense → Profile → Profile Settings → Bank Information
  • Direct deposit is NOT available to Non-Employee travelers.
  • Direct deposit is NOT available for cash advance Requests. 

For help using AggieExpense, visit the AggieExpense information website or email expensehelp@ucdavis.edu.

Visit the Banking Card Program or Preferred Booking Program websites or email cardprogramhelp@ucdavis.edu if you have questions on those programs.

Delayed Expenses

  • Imported expenses for the Preferred Booking Program (PBP), formerly known as “CTS,” will be available in AggieExpense by the end of this week, Friday 1/26/24.
  • Procurement Card transactions that posted between December 28, 2023, and January 18, 2024, are delayed importing into AggieExpense, and should be visible in the Available Expenses  section by the end of this week. Travel Card transactions are good and posting as usual.

Thank you for your continued support and patience.

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