Online purchases often include the acceptance of online terms and conditions from the supplier. Learn how to ensure policy compliance when this occurs.
This page addresses the risk inherent in accepting the terms and conditions associated with such purchases, providing you with guidelines on what is acceptable, and your purchase options.
Signature Authority
In general, university employees are not authorized to sign contracts or agreements on behalf of the university. Such purchases are typically processed on an Aggie Enterprise Agreement Review document which routes through Procurement & Contracting Services so the terms and conditions can be thoroughly reviewed.
Online Terms and Conditions
Many online sellers include terms and conditions that must be agreed to—and these fall under the authority not generally delegated to campus employees. Some sites present terms and conditions that are in direct violation of UC policy, while many require guidance before they can be accepted. Of particular concern are "cloud" data storage sites that offer no guaranteed protection of confidential data. Refer to the Software Purchasing guide for more details and instructions.