Purchases Requiring Procument & Contracting Services Approval

The list below contains goods and services where approval from Procurement & Contracting Services is required before a Purchase Order can be issued to a supplier.  

Most of the purchases below require the creation of an Aggie Enterprise Requisition that will automatically route to Procurement & Contracting Services for approval. Some of these items can be purchased in the Aggie Enterprise catalogs.

In addition to the items and services listed below, Aggie Enterprise non-catalog Requisitions above $10K route to Procurement & Contracting Services, unless an agreement with a higher Automatic Purchase Order (APO) limit is cited, or published materials are the only item(s) on the Requisition.

  • Animals; laboratory or others
  • Building Repairs, Products, Services, or Modifications
  • Capital Assets (Inventorial equipment), unless ordered in an Aggie Enterprise e-procurement catalog
  • Catering and food-related agreements, unless using campus catering Olive & Vine
  • Charters: air, land or sea
  • Computer software that requires license agreements to be signed (does not include registration cards)
  • Consultant Services or Independent Contractors
  • Electrical supplies and equipment restricted per P&P 290-85
  • Employee as Supplier Transactions
  • Equipment Maintenance Contracts
  • Equipment Rentals 
  • Food Equipment, unless ordered in an Aggie Enterprise e-procurement catalog
  • Furniture, unless ordered in an Aggie Enterprise e-procurement catalog or through the campus Furniture Program
  • On-site labor-related services of any kind
  • Personnel Type services
  • Precious Metals
  • Real property rentals of facilities, storage space, etc.
  • Repairs of equipment or supplies
  • Respiratory Protection Items, unless ordered in an Aggie Enterprise e-procurement catalog
  • Services that can be performed by university employees or departments (Covered Services)
  • Specially controlled items, such as ethyl alcohol (unless purchased from the Central Storehouse), narcotics or dangerous drugs, Radioactive Nickel Foils and Sealed Sources
  • Weapons (guns, rifles, etc.)
  • All products requiring special conditions routing in Aggie Enterprise (i.e. to Safety Services, Facilities, etc.), unless ordered in an Aggie Enterprise e-procurement catalog