Insurance Requirements

Some transactions between the university and supplier requires that the supplier provide insurance coverage.

This page provides information on handling insurance requirements associated with requested services and repairs.

Provide Insurance Documentation Ahead of Time

The supplier's insurance certificate must be on file in the Procurement & Contracting Services Department before work commences. A Certificate of Insurance is a document issued by insurance carriers as evidence of insurance coverage. Failure of the supplier to provide an insurance certificate, upon request, will result in significant delays in processing purchase orders.

Insurance Requirements

Various coverage types and limits are required depending on the type of service or contract. The following are basic guidelines that are subject to change, based upon the specific transaction:

  • Commercial and General Liability
    • Standard coverage limits: $2M aggregate, $1M each occurrence, $2M Products and Completed Operations.
    • Required endorsement: "The Regents of the University of California are named as additional insureds."
  • Professional Liability
    • Standard coverage limits: $2M Aggregate, $2M each occurrence.
  • Business Automobile Liability
    • Standard coverage limits: $1M each occurrence.
    • Required endorsement: "The Regents of the University of California are named as additional insureds."
  • Worker's Compensation: Coverage as required by law.

Repair Orders

The Requisition requires an insurance certificate to be on file when processing a repair type of transaction.

Request the certificate and attach an electronic copy to the applicable supplier new record or update request.  

For further information, contact the campus Procurement and Contracting Services department at 530-752-0370 or UC Davis Health Purchasing department at 916-734-2475.