Group Travel

Group Travel occurs when a group of individuals are traveling together, generally for a student event, including but not limited to, student field trips, athletic team events, and study abroad trips. 

Note: Employees are expected to pay for their own travel expenses, with their Travel card. 

Group Leader Designation

  • Group leader status is approved at the department head level.
  • A group leader oversees a group of travelers, with the authority to pay another person's travel expenses.
  • Group leader authorization is not simply for the convenience of submitting one travel voucher for multiple travelers. Several co-workers (non-students) traveling to the same location is not group travel, as employees are typically expected to pay their own travel expenses.
  • The only documentation needed as evidence of this authorization is the grantor's approval of the expense report; that approval should be filed with the department business office.

Group Travel

  • The group leader should arrange for all airfare and lodging for the group, utilizing ConnexUC partners.
  • Other expenses, such as meals or ground transportation, can be paid by individual participants or paid by the group leader.
  • Group trips must include the full names of all participants.
  • Group leaders should utilize a Travel card to pay group expenses whenever possible.
  • Specific Group Travel expense types can be used to record group travel expenses in AggieExpense.

Group Travel Expense Types

  • Group Airfare
  • Paid receipts are always required.

    Use Group Airfare for Group Travel when multiple tickets are purchased on the same receipt, or when a group leaders pays for multiple travelers’ airfare.

  • Group Lodging
  • Paid receipts are always required.

    Group Lodging is only used with Group Travel. This expense type provides a convenient way to claim group lodging expenses, without having to itemize the entire receipt in AggieExpense. However, always attach the itemized receipt to the report.  

    Use the attendance list feature or attach an attendance list to the report.

  • Group Meals
  • Group Meals is only used with Group Travel.

    To account for the group of travelers, use the attendance list feature or attach an attendance list to the report.