Meals & Incidental Expenses

Refer to the information below on UC Davis policies for meal reimbursement and incidentals.

Meals & Incidentals (M&IE) must be ordinary and necessary to accomplish the official business purpose of the trip. 


  • Meal reimbursement for Travel under 30 days within the lower 48 states is limited to $79 per day (effective September 9, 2022).
  • Meal reimbursement may only be claimed for the amount of actual expenses incurred (not to exceed $79 per day).
  • There must be an overnight stay to claim meal reimbursement.
  • Alcohol is not permitted when charging the expense to a State or General Fund source.
  • Meals should be purchased using the UC Davis Travel card, whenever possible.
  • All tips for meals are included in the same daily limit.
  • Travelers should not pay for other travelers’ meals, unless part of a designated Group trip
    • Any non-group travel expense paid on behalf of another traveler is subject to exception approval before reimbursement can be issued.
    • Exception approval is requested by answering the question, "Expenses for other travelers or spouse/partner?" on the AggieExpense report header.
  • Receipts are not required for meals, unless the total of 1 meal is $75 or above. Receipts are always required for transactions of $75 or more. 
    • Travelers who appear to be treating the daily meal limit as a per diem, by claiming the full amount or another fixed amount on a repeated basis without additional justification, will be required to provide supporting receipts for future meal claims, in accordance with BFB G-28.


  • Incidentals include tips and gratuity given to baggage carriers or train porters.
  • Incidentals do not include purchasing of personal items, such as toothbrushes or soap.
  • Incidentals do not include tips for housekeeping, which should be categorized as a lodging expense.
  • The daily limit for meals and incidentals is $79 (effective September 9, 2022).
  • Receipts are not required for incidentals.