Contracting Out Prohibited in General Fund-Supported Facilities

California Senate Bill 820 requires that for the University of California to proceed with General Fund capital expenditures, all services traditionally performed by university staff in that building or facility be performed by UC employees.

The requirement is similar to Regents Policy 5402, in that it applies to work customarily performed by SX (service) or EX (patient care technical) bargaining unit employees. Examples include services such as cleaning, maintenance, groundskeeping and food service. You can search which job titles are SX and EX on the Human Resources Salary Scales webpage.

Unlike 5402, however, SB820 has no provisions for carve-outs, even in situations where carve-out justifications would apply.  In general, except in the case of a true emergency situation in the facility, covered services may not be provided by anyone other than university employees.

  • View the list below to determine if your facility is included. Please note: This list is subject to change at any time. Questions about the list should be directed to Design and Construction Management at
  • For questions about what services SB820 includes, contact
Facilities with Completed State Capital Projects & Deferred Maintenance Related to SB820
Animal Husbandry Hopkins Barn
Animal Resource Service M3
Animal Resource Service - J1
Animal Science Teaching Facility 2
Art Building
Bainer Hall
Briggs Hall
Center for Health & Environment Office & Laboratory
Chemistry Annex
Cole C
Core Head House
Cruess  Annex
Dutton Hall
Mrak Hall
Environmental Services Headquarters
Green Hall (formerly Life Sciences)
Hart Hall
Head House 001
Hoagland Annex
Kemper Hall
Mechanical Sewer
Medical Sciences 1-D 
Neurosciences Building
Olson Hall
Physics Building
Plant and Environmental Sciences
Plant Reproductive Biology Facility
Primate Administration
Primate Childhood Health & Disease Facility
Primate Respiratory Disease Center
Pritchard Vet Med Teaching Hospital
RMI Brewery, Winery, Food Pilot Facility
Robbins Hall
Roessler Hall
School of Education
Shields Library 
Social Sciences and Humanities
Storer Hall
The Grove (formerly Surge 3)
Teaching and Learning Complex
Temporary Building 176
Temporary Building 177
Temporary Building 178
Tupper Hall
University House & Annex
Veg Crops Field Headquarters A
Viticulture Relocation A
Voorhies Hall
Walker Hall
Wastewater Treatment Plant Mechanical Control Center
Watershed Science Facility
Wellman Hall
Wickson Hall
Young Hall