Business & Revenue Contracts Process

Business and Revenue Contracts is responsible for the review, negotiation, and approval of university service agreements with outside parties.

After the Aggie Enterprise document has been approved by your fiscal officer/account delegate, the following steps take place:

  1. The Procurement and Contracting Services Control Desk reviews the document(s).
    The Control Desk will check for completeness, including receipt of all required attachments/documents. If the request appears to be complete, it is routed to a manager based on the agreement type cited.

  2. The buyer manager will review the request.
    They ensure that the document is complete and assign it to an analyst for completion, or will return the request to the Control Desk for additional information (most often missing scope of work, pre-hire worksheet, or confirming letter).

  3. The analyst reviews the request in detail and drafts an agreement.
    In some cases, the analyst reviews and modifies the agreement provided by the other party. The analyst will add status updates directly to the Aggie Enterprise document in the Notes section.  It is recommended that you review the notes when you are looking for a progress update.

  4. As necessary, the analyst will engage in negotiations with the other party.

  5. Copies of the agreement will be emailed to parties.

    • If it is a business contract, the agreement will be emailed to the other party for signature, with a copy emailed to the department’s business contact.
    • If it is for a service, the PO will be emailed to the contractor/vendor. No signature is necessary from the contractor/vendor.
  6. Signed agreement is returned to Business & Revenue Contracts for final signature.

  7. A copy of the fully signed agreement is attached to the request document.
    This occurs once the agreement has been fully executed, or a PO has been issued.

  8. The request is completed and approved.
    The Aggie Enterprise document initiator is notified via email.

  9. The payment process is generally managed by central Accounts Payable.