Business Contracts: Agreement Types

Types of Agreements

This page provides an overview of the many types of agreements processed by the Business & Revenue Contracts team. Click on the desired agreement type to learn more and how to process a request for one.  If specific instructions are not included, refer to the Business Contract request instructions.

  • A. Revenue Agreements
  • Agreements under which UC Davis is receiving money. Examples include situations where UC Davis is providing a service or being reimbursed for staff and faculty salary and benefit costs. The vast majority of service agreements handled by Business Contracts are based on an approved rate(s).  See the Revenue Agreements instructions.
  • B. Professional Services Agreements (excluding UC Davis Health and School of Medicine)
  • Common examples of Professional Services Agreements include licensed professionals such as doctors, attorneys, and CPAs (Certified Public Attorneys); web designers; and executive search professionals. Because Business Contracts has an obligation to justify the price to be paid is reasonable, you may be contacted for additional information about the rate or quote provided. NOTE: Independent contractors are often confused with professional service agreements; independent contractors are handled by the Procurement & Contracting Services team. Please refer to BUS 77 for information about independent contractor agreements.  For UC Davis Health and School of Medicine, please contact the UC Davis Health Purchasing Department at 916-734-2475.
  • C. Independent Consultant Agreements (excluding UC Davis Health and School of Medicine)
  • Information on Consultant Agreements is available on the Consultant Agreement pageFor UC Davis Health and School of Medicine, please contact the UC Davis Health Purchasing Department at 916-734-2475.
  • D. Performance Agreements
  • Performers include musicians, dancers, magicians, disc jockeys, magicians, and lecturers or speakers for the sole purpose of entertainment (not education). Most performance agreements can be completed by a campus department without Business and Revenue Contracts involvement. Please refer to the instructions and details on the Performer Services page. 
  • E. Equipment Loan Agreements
  • Departments receiving loaned equipment (no financial transaction involved) from an outside company are to complete the delegated Equipment Loan Agreement Form.  See the instructions on documenting a loan from an outside agency.
  • F. Sponsorship Agreements
  • See the guide on how to process Sponsorship Agreements.
  • G. Executive Search Agreements
  • Executive Search Agreements are agreements with individuals or companies that specialize in recruiting executive personnel. All executive search agreements are to be pre-approved by Human Resources.
  • H. Work Study Agreements
  • Work Study Agreements are those agreements in which students are employed by outside agencies sanctioned by UC Davis.
  • I. Reimbursement Agreements
  • Reimbursement Agreements are those in which the university is being reimbursed for the use of staff and/or facilities, including faculty, staff, and student appointments at other institutions and UC Davis.  Reimbursement agreements are entered into in advance of an engagement or use of facilities. NOTE: Reimbursement agreements should not be confused with CONFIRMING agreements, which are agreements that are entered into AFTER an engagement has already taken place, and are considered an unauthorized purchasing practice.
  • J. Faculty, staff & student appointments at other institutions and UC Davis (including Intergovernmental Personnel Act agreements)
  • Any agreement under which a faculty member will be performing work for another institution must be approved by the Provost Office before being sent to Business & Revenue Contracts with approval documentation attached to the Aggie Enterprise non-catalog Requisition.

    Required information/documentation for business contract: A. Appointment letter from applicable institution. B. Fee schedule/reimbursement of salary. C. Agreement from other institution (if provided). D. Length of appointment (specific start and end dates). E. Approval from Provost Office.

  • K. Utility Agreements
  • Business & Revenue Contracts completes agreements for utility services, such as gas and electricity, for the Davis campus. Prior to submitting a request for a utility agreement, please check if there is already a campus-wide agreement in place for the services and utility provider needed. If an agreement is already in place, any payment requests are to cite the agreement number.
  • L. Non-Disclosure & Confidentiality Agreements
  • These agreement types are requested when a company wants UC Davis to perform services (or vice versa) but need to be able to A) discuss a potential project in detail prior to committing to work and B) ensure that any confidential or proprietary information disclosed will not be shared with any other party. Such agreements are not necessary if work is commencing and the other party just wants to ensure confidentiality—the standard UC Davis services agreement contains detailed confidentiality obligations.  NOTE: Non-disclosure or confidentiality agreements pertaining to the purchase of a commodity are processed by Procurement & Contracting Services; those relating to research projects are processed by Sponsored Programs.
  • M. Affiliation Agreements
  • Per UC Davis PPM 210-05, an affiliation agreement is between UC Davis and another accredited academic institution, where one party agrees to furnish education, training, or clinical experience that is integral to a specific institutional academic degree or course objective, but is not available at the student’s home institution. Business & Revenue Contracts completes all non-UC Davis Health/School of Medicine/School of Nursing affiliation agreements. Affiliation agreements are not to be confused with fellowship agreements, which are processed through Graduate Studies

    Required information/documentation for business contract: A. Dean or Vice Chancellor approval*. B. The affiliation agreement provided by the accredited academic institution. C. Exhibits outlining rotation of students and corresponding costs. D. Complete description of the work experience/training/education being furnished. *For more information please review UC Davis PPM 210-05

  • N. Training (non-academic affiliation)
  • These types of agreements are for UC Davis students and staff to study elsewhere (outside of UC Davis), or for non-university individuals to study at UC Davis.
  • O. Animal Loan, Lease, Boarding, and Special Uses Agreements
  • These types of agreements pertain to the loan of animals, or setting up boarding arrangements for animals.
  • P. Land use and facility use agreement/permit
    (for non-exclusive use of and generic access to land or facilities for a period of less than 1 year.)
  • This type of agreement is for the non-exclusive use of and generic access to non-university land or facilities for a period of more than 30 days and less than one year. No modifications to land or property should be made. Agreements for land or facility use for 30 days or less should be submitted to the Procurement and Contracting Services team. Land/facility use agreements outside of these parameters should be directed to Real Estate Services.
  • Q. Supplier Forms
  • Sometimes contractors require that the university sign informational forms submitted with a request for an agreement. Business & Revenue Contracts does not need to complete, review or sign documents provided by contractors that are requesting information only; campus departments can complete and sign them. Typically called “New Supplier Forms” or something similar, the documents seek to obtain information about the university or certifications. Example: “Is anyone employed by your company an employee of (insert contractor’s name) or related to an employee of (insert contractor’s name)?”
    Caution: If contractual terms are included on the document, even if by a web link reference, the agreement is to be signed by Business & Revenue Contracts, though all requested information should be entered by the requesting campus department.
  • R. Miscellaneous non-research agreements that require an authorized university signature.
  • Examples include agreements where the university will have the right to use websites for book sales and rentals, applications for licenses, applications for shipment to embargoed countries, and memorandums of understanding (MOUs).
  • Partnership/Collaboration Agreement
  • These are agreements in which UC Davis programs partner/collaborate with local school districts to provide educational outreach services for their students and staff.

    Required information/documentation for business contract: A. Detailed description of outreach services being provided. B. Fee schedule associated with program. C. Specific dates of outreach services being provided. D. Vice Chancellor/Dean approval electronically secured, or hard copy attached to document.