AggieExpense: Travel and Entertainment Expense Types

This page lists each of the travel and entertainment expense types, when they should be used, and any additional documentation requirements.

Travel and Entertainment

  • Airfare
  • Paid receipts are always required.

    Airfare is used to reconcile out of pocket and Travel card airline ticket purchases.

    Tickets purchased using the Preferred Booking Program account will automatically use expense type: Direct Billed Imported Expense.

  • Airfare, Additional Fees
  • 1. Baggage - paid receipt is required if over $75
    2. Ticket Change Fee- provide a comment; paid receipt is required
    3. On Board Internet Access - for business use only
    4. Seat Selection/Reservation - provide a comment; paid receipt is required
    5. Upgrade - provide a comment and indicate upgrade on airline ticket for proper approvals and exception routing; paid receipt is required
    6. Priority Access - provide a comment; paid receipt is required if over $75
    7. Other- Provide a comment; paid receipt is required if over $75


  • Awards
  • Awards are typically used in conjunction with Entertainment events, e.g. Service awards, trophies, or gift cards. When a non-cash award is purchased as part of an Entertainment event, ensure policies Bus-79 and G-41 are followed. Include the names of all award recipients in the expense report.
  • Business Services
  • Use Business Services to claim the cost of ancillary business expenses associated with travel or entertainment. This includes services such as photocopies, faxing, parcel services, etc.
  • Car Rental
  • Paid receipts are always required. See Best Practice: Renting a Car for more details.

    Remember: Make ALL car rental reservations through AggieExpense to ensure the UC discounted rates and protections are applied to your car rental.

    Car Rental - Class of Service:

    1. Compact/Economy/Intermediate
    2. No Cost or Self Pay Upgrade (Use when traveler pays for their own upgrade)
    3. Upgraded Service (When selected, report will automatically route for exception approval; submit required documentation)

    Car Rental - Vendor:

    1. Hertz
    2. Enterprise/National
    3. Dollar/Thrifty
    4. Other (Requires a comment)

  • Cash Advance Return
  • The Cash Advance Return is to record excess cash advance that was not utilized on the report. You will still be required to process a Cash Receipt document when returning the money to the University. Include a copy of the Cash Receipt document with the travel expense report.

    Please note: this expense type is NOT used for Travel Card Cash Advances. See below for more information.

  • Conference Registration
  • Use Conference Registration for reimbursement of the cost of conference, seminar, or lecture, etc. registration fees.

    When submitting an expense report to pay your Travel card for conference registration for a group of individuals, the attendance list option should be used to identify the attendees.

  • Currency Gain/Loss
  • The Currency Gain/Loss expense type is used when reconciling a cash advance used in a foreign location which gained or lost value against the dollar.
  • Entertainment Deposit
  • Use Entertainment Deposit to account for deposits paid to vendors for events. Entertainment Deposit can be itemized.
  • Employee Morale Event Entrance Fees
  • Employee Morale Event Entrance Fees are used when claiming reimbursement for the cost of employee morale activities. This should not be used for the purchase of show tickets for entertainment. Include the full names and affiliation of all attendees in the expense report.
  • Entertainment Meal, 10 or Less Guests
  • When hosting a University Entertainment event for 10 or fewer guests, use this expense type to reconcile the cost of a meal. Use the attendance list within the expense to account for the people in attendance.

    For more information on using the Attendance List feature within AggieExpense, please visit Attendees.

  • Entertainment Meal, Over 10 Guests
  • When hosting a University Entertainment event for more than 10 guests, use this expense type to reconcile the cost of a meal. Use the attendance list within the expense to account for the people in attendance, or simply attach a list of the attendees to the report.

    For more information on using the Attendance List feature within AggieExpense, please visit Attendees.

    For more information on attaching documents to an expense report, please visit Receipts.

  • Entertainment Supplies or Rental (AV, dishes, or other)
  • Use this for reimbursement of necessary items purchased for an event. Audio or Video Rental is most often used in conjunction with hosting a conference.

    If a rental was purchased as part of a rental agreement, please attach a copy of the rental agreement to the reimbursement expense report.

  • Gas or Fuel
  • Gas or Fuel is not used in place of claiming personal vehicle mileage per UCOP Travel Policy G-28. Use the Gas or Fuel expense type when reconciling the purchase of gas or fuel for rental cars and other approved modes of transportation.
  • Ground Transportation
  • Ground Transportation is used to reconcile all forms of ground transportation with the exceptions of rental cars and mileage claims.

    Select Vendor Type:
    > Parking/Tolls
    > Taxi/Uber/Lyft
    > Shuttle Bus
    > Train/Light Rail/Rapid Transit
    > Other (Requires a comment)

  • Laundry (Trip Over 6 Days)
  • If a trip lasts more than six days, laundry services may be approved for reimbursement. This expense can be added to lodging itemization, if the laundry was part of the lodging costs, or it can be claimed separately.
  • Lodging
  • Paid receipts are always required.

    Use Lodging for typical lodging costs, including hotel, Airbnb, and other lodging facilities. This expense type requires an itemized receipt be submitted with the expense report, in addition to itemizing the nightly costs.

    See Lodging-Other for Deposits, Host Gifts, and Long-Term Lodging.

  • Lodging-Other
  • Paid receipts are always required.

    > Lodging, Deposit is used to pay for a lodging deposit.
    > Lodging, Host Gift is used to pay for a host gift, per policy G-28. Receipts are required for host gifts of $25 or more and are limited to no more than $75 per host, regardless of the duration of stay.
    > Lodging, Long-Term is used for stays exceeding 30 days and may be entered as one amount for entire duration. Provide a comment including the dates of lodging.
  • Meals and Incidentals (incl. tips)
  • Meals & Incidental Expenses is used to claim the cost of meals and tips associated with travel. AggieExpense offers a quick-itemization feature to separate any personal or non-reimbursable expenses.
  • Meeting Room Rental
  • Paid receipts are always required.

    Meeting Room Rental is most often used in conjunction with hosting a conference.

    If the rental was purchased as part of a rental agreement, please include a copy of the rental agreement in the reimbursement expense report.

  • Mileage - Google Maps
  • Use Mileage - Google Maps when entering a single trip or a multi-legged single day trip. The Google Maps mapping service is built directly into the expense type!

    Note: Do NOT select the 'personal' check box within the Google Maps feature. Doing so will reduce your reimbursement by the miles marked personal.

  • Mileage Log
  • Use Mileage Log to enter multiple trips, i.e. monthly or quarterly.

    This expense type requires a mileage log. Complete the log and attach it with your receipts.

    See the Supply Chain Management Forms page for the correct PDF form to use with this expense type.

  • Miscellaneous
  • If there is not another more appropriate category to claim the expense under, use Miscellaneous.
  • Personal or Non Reimbursable
  • If the Travel Card was used inadvertently for a personal charge, or a portion of an expense is not being claimed as a business expense, use expense type of "Personal / Non Reimbursable". 

    The cardholder will need to reimburse the University directly, as the card provider has already been paid. To reimburse the University, you will access your UC Davis Banner account where you will see the invoice for the charge appear a few days after your expense report has been approved. Log in to Banner with your UC Davis user ID and Kerberos passphrase and agree to the consent form. Review your balance and select Make Payment from the main page.  Personal credit card and e-checks are accepted methods of payment.

  • Show Tickets
  • Show Tickets is for the cost of tickets to a sporting, theatrical, or musical event furnished to a prospective donor or employee in connection with the conduct of official University business. Include the full names and affiliation of all attendees in the expense report.

    All reports including Show Tickets will route for exception approval. 

  • Student Program Entrance Fees
  • Student Program Entrance Fees are used when claiming reimbursement for the cost of programmatic or academic activities. This should not be used for the purchase of show tickets for entertainment or for the purchase of passport or visa expenses. Include the full names and affiliation of all attendees in the expense report.
  • Travel Supplies and Materials
  • Use Supplies and Materials for reimbursement of necessary items purchased while on travel status.
  • Travel Agency Fees
  • Use Travel Agency Fees to claim service fees charged by travel agencies to make your travel reservations.

    These fees do not include insurance of any kind.

    Please note: tickets purchased using the Preferred Booking Program direct billing account will automatically use expense type: Direct Billed Imported Expense.