Group Travel Expense Types

Examples of Group Travel include student field trips, athletic team events, and study abroad trips.

Group Travel

  • Group Airfare
  • Paid receipts are always required.

    Use Group Airfare for Group Travel when multiple tickets are purchased on the same receipt, or when a group leaders pays for multiple travelers’ airfare.

  • Group Lodging
  • Paid receipts are always required.

    Group Lodging is only used with Group Travel. This expense type provides a convenient way to claim group lodging expenses, without having to itemize the entire receipt in AggieExpense. However, always attach the itemized receipt to the report.  

    Use the attendance list feature or attach an attendance list to the report.

  • Group Meals
  • Group Meals is only used with Group Travel.

    To account for the group of travelers, use the attendance list feature or attach an attendance list to the report.