UC Implements Small Business First Policy

UC Implements Small Business First Policy

In an effort to support small businesses, which have been especially hard hit during the pandemic, the University of California has adopted the Small Business First program. This policy helps UC invest in and enrich our local communities with jobs and economic stability while furthering our sustainability goals and mission of teaching, research and public service.

What does Small Business First mean for me?

Small Business First mandates that all non-construction UC contracts and procurements between $10,000 and $250,000 that cannot be procured via an existing strategically-sourced agreement be awarded to a certified Small Business or Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise, wherever practicable. Any employee who purchases on behalf of their department or the university should familiarize themselves with the requirements of Small Business First.

Effective immediately

The Regents voted in June to incorporate Small Business First into Bus-43, the policy that governs how purchases are made at the university, making the mandate retroactive to March 2021. As such, UC Davis will adopt the program effective immediately; any requisitions submitted going forward, from the time of this notice, will be subject to Small Business First requirements.

Learn more

Learn more about Small Business First on the Supply Chain Management website. In addition, we will be holding a “Purchasing Under Small Business First” webinar on Monday, Aug. 23, from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Registration is required.

If you have questions about Small Business First, please contact FOA-UD-SSO-SmallBusiness@ou.ad3.ucdavis.edu.

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