Updated Category Names for Agreement and Software Purchases

The information below contains updates to Category Names for agreements and software purchases.

Purchasing Services Against an Existing Agreement: 

  • If citing an agreement on a non-catalog Requisition, use the Category Name of Services - For agreement use only
  • Entering this Category Name will allow a Requisition to bypass approval from Procurement and Contracting Services when an active and open purchasing agreement is entered in the Agreement field. 
  • As a reminder, purchases against an established agreement do not require approval from Procurement and Contracting Services, but still require approval from other approvers, including the department financial approver.
  • NOTE: This category is only to be used when citing an existing service agreement on a Requisition and is not for other types of purchases or when creating a Blanket Order request.

Software Purchases:

  • If purchasing software, please note that there are two software Category Names from which to choose.  The software is categorized by the sensitivity of the data that the software will utilize, from lowest risk P1 to highest risk P4. 
      • Software (P1/P2) - delivered electronically
        • If Buyer review is necessary, check the box Need Buyer Review in the Requisition cart checkout screen to ensure the Requisition routes to a Buyer for review/signature.
    • Software (P3/P4) - delivered electronically
  • Entering the appropriate Category Name on the Requisition will ensure that software purchases receive the required review and approvals, including by a buyer in Procurement and Contracting Services when required.
  • Before purchasing software, we recommend reviewing the software purchasing step-by-step guide as there are multiple policy and attachment requirements with these types of purchases.
  • The Approval Form for Software & Related Services (available on the SCM forms page) must be completed and attached to all software purchase requests, P1 – P4, whether Buyer review is needed or not.  The form is not required when purchasing against an existing agreement.

Primary Category