AggieExpense: Reconcile Transactions Timely!

AggieExpense: Reconcile Transactions Timely!

Aggie Enterprise is Coming Soon

Imported expenses in AggieExpense should always be reconciled as soon as possible. Remember, imported card and Preferred Booking Program (CTS) expenses can be reconciled before the trip or event end date. 

It is critical that all unreconciled expenses are fully approved in AggieExpense before the Aggie Enterprise cutover. Any AggieExpense reports submitted but not fully approved by the cutover deadline will be returned, and the report will need to be re-created, using the new Common Chart of Accounts (CCoA). Any unreconciled expenses will remain in AggieExpense during the cutover.  

For assistance reconciling expenses on behalf of employees who are on long-term leave, or have separated, please contact

To see your department’s unreconciled expenses, use FIS Decision Support:

  • FISDS 421 Unreconciled Preferred Booking Program (CTS) Imported Expenses
  • FISDS 418 Unreconciled Travel or Procurement Card Imported Expenses
  • FISDS 417 Unreconciled Cash Advances

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