Outstanding AP Invoices Require Department Fiscal Approvals

Outstanding AP Invoices Require Department Fiscal Approvals

This is an advisory for departmental fiscal approvers regarding outstanding Accounts Payable Invoice documents in Aggie Enterprise that may be awaiting your approval. 

There are currently over 1300 pending Accounts Payable invoices in Aggie Enterprise.  In addition, Accounts Payable has reinitiated the workflow for about 300 invoices pending approval from April and earlier. Please approve any Invoice documents as soon as possible to ensure payment is made to the suppliers and that expenses post to the departmental and project ledgers as appropriate.   Refer to the approval instructions to determine how to identify documents awaiting approval and approve them.

There are also outstanding Invoice documents awaiting approval from a Principal Investigator (PI). Invoices for Purchase Orders that cite asubaward purchasing category route to the PI assigned to the award.  If you are a PPM Project Manager who has received a notification to approve a subaward invoice that you previously approved, this indicates that the PI assigned to that award did not complete the approval of that invoice. Please re-approve the invoice and then follow up directly with the PI to ensure their approval is completed as soon as possible.

We appreciate your timely action on any pending documents awaiting your attention.  Questions are to be directed to aphelp@ucdavis.edu

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