AggieExpense Cutover

AggieExpense Cutover

A reminder that Friday, Dec. 15 at 5 pm is the last day to submit a report, cash advance or Card Program request in AggieExpense using the current Chart of Accounts.

The last day for departments to approve existing reports and requests in AggieExpense is Monday, Dec. 18 at 5 pm. Any reports or requests not approved by this date will be returned to the submitter. When access to AggieExpense becomes available on Jan. 15, 2024, submitters will need to update the allocation with the new Chart of Accounts. To accommodate for the cutover period, Tax Reporting & Compliance is extending expense reconciliation and report deadlines for transactions that post between mid-December and mid-January from 60 days to 90 days.

Please note: Travel requests and booking can continue to be made in AggieExpense during the cutover period.

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