Logistics: Sustainability Efforts

Supply Chain Management Logistics participates in multiple sustainability efforts, with "Service dedicated to Sustainability." This page highlights our current programs.  

Last Mile Initiative

Our Supply Chain Management Logistics team has partnered with Fisher Scientific to improve the sustainability of campus deliveries by combining forces and reducing our overall carbon footprint with our Last Mile Initiative program.  This program significantly reduces the number of delivery vehicles on the core campus.

Here’s how the Last Mile Initiative works:

  • Pallets of Fisher Scientific packages arrive early each morning at Central Receiving,
  • the packages are assigned to department delivery locations in AggieLogistics,
  • Mail Services delivers the packages to the locations that day, or the next day if the location is closed, and,
  • the recipient receives a confirmation email once the package has been delivered.

Customers should not experience any changes in delivery service levels, but we encourage you to reach out to mailservices@ucdavis.edu if you have any questions or concerns. 

The Last Mile Initiative will eventually be expanded to other suppliers.  As it is, we will post that information here.

Vehicle Electrification Project

Our SCM delivery vehicle fleet is now fully electric, significantly reducing our carbon footprint, as we make deliveries on the Davis campus, as well as the Sacramento Medical Center campus.

AggieSurplus E-Waste Events

Generally held twice a year, once in the spring and again in the fall, these events hosted by our AggieSurplus and Services unit give university departments the opportunity to drop off their e-waste the quick, easy, and environmentally friendly way.  At most of the events, we welcome departments to bring non-functioning, university owned desktop computers and other smaller electronic items to be properly disposed of free of charge.  A complete list of what is/not accepted is advertised to our customers and also communicated via our email list prior to each scheduled event.

Recycling Programs

Our Mail Services team participates in the each of the recycling programs listed below. 

NOTE: Our staff will pick up these items for recycling at the time your departmental mail is picked up.

Used Printer Toner Cartridges

  • They must be in a sealed box.
  • Box must be marked “Recycle.”
  • Generally, we pick-up three cartridges at a time.

NOTE: We are unable to pick-up used toner tubes or bottles. These items are typically brands like Canon, Konica/Minolta, Sharp, Ricoh, Xerox, and Toshiba. We also do not accept used ribbons or film cartridges.  Contact your toner supplier to request a return label and/or box for recycling, or drop off the container at a participating Office Depot location.

Used Batteries

  • They must be sealed in a box.
  • Box must be marked “Used Batteries.”
  • Terminals (positive and negative) on the batteries must be covered with tape to prevent contact; failure to do so can create a serious fire hazard.

Used Cellphones

  • They must be sealed in a box or envelope.
  • Box must be marked “Recycle.”

Used Electrical/Electronic Cords

  • They must be sealed in a box or envelope.
  • Box must be marked “Recycle.”

Used CDs, Floppy Disks, Video Cassettes

  • They must be sealed in a box or envelope.
  • Box must be marked “Recycle.”

Invalid AggieAccess Cards/ID Badges

The cards will be shredded.

  • They must be sealed in a box or envelope.
  • Box must be marked “Invalid ID cards.”

Used Interoffice Envelopes

We will recycle as departments request we do so.

  • Bundle unwanted envelopes with a rubber band.

We appreciate your assistance in our sustainability efforts!