Mail Services: Sustainability Efforts

Mail Services is committed to environmental sustainability and encourages our customers to help us in this effort.

Mail Services participates in the recycling programs listed below at the time we pick up your departmental mail.

In addition, we are partnering with Fisher Scientific to improve the sustainability of campus deliveries by combining forces and reducing our overall carbon footprint with our Last Mile Initiative program.

Used Printer Toner Cartridges

  • They must be in a sealed box.
  • Box must be marked “Recycle.”
  • We cannot pick-up used toner tubes or bottles.
  • Generally we pick-up three cartridges at a time.

Used Batteries

  • They must be sealed in a box.
  • Box must be marked “Used Batteries.”
  • Terminals (positive and negative) on the batteries must be covered with tape to prevent contact; failure to do so can create a serious fire hazard.

Used Cellphones

  • They must be sealed in a box or envelope.
  • Box must be marked “Recycle.”

Used Electrical/Electronic Cords

  • They must be sealed in a box or envelope.
  • Box must be marked “Recycle.”

Used CDs, Floppy Disks, Video Cassettes

  • They must be sealed in a box or envelope.
  • Box must be marked “Recycle.”

Invalid AggieAccess Cards/ID Badges

The cards will be shredded.

  • They must be sealed in a box or envelope.
  • Box must be marked “Invalid ID cards.”

Used Interoffice Envelopes

We will recycle as departments request we do so.

  • Bundle unwanted envelopes with a rubber band.

We appreciate your assistance in our sustainability efforts!