Photo of 2020 UC Davis Health Staff with Food Donations
Pictured (front to back): Bradley Simmons, Interim Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Operating Officer of the UC Davis Medical Center, followed by Mail Services, UC Davis Health staff members Loren Jenkins, Arthur Johnson, Tracy Miranda, Peter Chacon, Gregory Olsen (yellow hat), and Colin Stambusky (blue hat). Photo credit: Charles Casey, UC Davis Health Public Affairs.

Another Successful Food Drive Completed!

Mail Services recently wrapped up its annual Food Drive, delivering a total of 2,304 pounds of non-perishable food to those in need.

The collection includes 1,509 pounds of food gathered in outgoing mail at UC Davis Health and 795 pounds dropped off to Mail Services at the Hopkins Services Complex.

The Food Drive faced a number of challenges this year due to the pandemic. In years past, food collected in Sacramento was donated to the Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services and food collected on campus was donated to the Yolo County Food Bank. This year, because of operational and staffing issues, both organizations initially declined to accept the donations. Mail Services staff members were able to identify two organizations that would be able to accept donations – the Rose Family Creative Empowerment Center in Sacramento and the ASUCD Food Pantry on campus. However, on November 20, as Mail Services at UC Davis Health was preparing to deliver the food, they were informed that the Rose center would be unable to accept the donations. Fortunately, by then, the Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services had the staff and volunteers necessary to process the donations.

The campus campaign faced its own challenges. Traditionally, offices and work sites on campus are bustling with employees who can simply place donations in their unit’s outgoing mail. This year, of course, offices are mostly empty as employees work remotely.

In the end, however, Mail Services at UC Davis Health donated 1,509 pounds of food to the Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services and campus Mail Services donated 795 pounds to the ASUCD Food Pantry.

The Mail Services teams on both sides of the Causeway are grateful for the donations!