travel & entertainment

AggieTravel: Professional Expenses

With the exception of professional memberships and certifications, these expenses represent unauthorized purchases according to UC Procurement Policy. All purchases of goods or services on behalf of the university are required to follow appropriate procurement processes and procedures. For expenses not related to travel or entertainment, this usually includes explicit approval by authorized personnel before the purchase occurs.

Taxation of Late Reports

UC policy requires all employees to report travel and entertainment expenses within 45 days of the end of the trip or event. Expense Report Deadlines

All UC Davis travel and entertainment expenses must be authorized, reported and reimbursed in accordance with University of California policies G-28 and BUS-79.

Travel & Entertainment

The UC Davis Travel & Entertainment team supports the needs of UC Davis with a range of services, including expense reimbursement and guidance on policy requirements.

The university advises against any non-essential travel travel to Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, or the Middle East North Africa region.